Saturday, October 22, 2011

Song Letras: Capoeira E Defesa Ataque

In line with learning to grasp how capoeira can be so diverse, here's a song you might like to sing! The chorus is a mouthful, but the meanings might help you remember.

We will be singing this in the next roda!

Capoeira E Defesa Ataque

Capoeira, é defesa, ataque (Capoeira is a defense, an attack)
a ginga de corpo e a malandragem, (the sway of the body, and the malandragem)

São Fransisco Nunes (St. Fransiscus Nunes)
Preto Velho meu avô (Old black man, my grandfather)
Ensinou para o meu pai (He taught my father)
Mas meu pai não me ensinou (but my father did not teach me)


O Maculelê (The maculele)
é a dança do pau (is a dance with woods)
Na roda de Capoeira (In the roda of Capoeira)
é no toque do berimbau (it's in the rhythm of the berimbau)


Eu já tive em Moçambique (I have been to Mozambique)
Eu já tive em Guinè (I have been to Guine)
Tô voltando de Angola (I'm coming back from Angola)
Com o jogo de Malè (with the game of Malè)


Se você quer aprender (If you want to learn)
Vai ter que praticar (go practice it )
Mas na roda de Capoeira (But in the roda of Capoeira)
É gostoso de jogar (it's a delight to play)


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