Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Hope CNY celebrations were great!
Thursday’s Capoeira was just what one needed to shed off those extra pounds gained over the weekend.
This is for those who joined last semester (most of us don’t quite like being called seniors cos its just way too formal, right guys?). We learnt two knew sequences today! And courtesy of Bambu, we have a video of Macaquinho (Aliph) demonstrating it.
The two sequences are spliced together.
The first sequence ends at about 00:10 seconds. Its a new way to buy a game and enter the Roda. Imagine, Macaquinho’s doing the ginga outside the Roda, with his back facing the Berimbau. He then enter the Roda and with an open-arm Entrada, facing the guy he’s going to play with and buys the game. He then retracts back into a parallel, then Esquiva frontau, rolls around (with the feet and hands firmly placed on the ground) to face the Berimbau. From here, it’s another Esquiva Frontau/Baxia, following which is a Pasada. You end this sequence with a Macoco (preferably) or an Au.
The second sequence the second sequence, we perform this second move called the Perafuso. This sequence starts from about 10 seconds.
We also learnt (or revised) the Zambiacongo (this is the name of the Capoeira School that we come under) School Song, Sou Zambiacongo.
The chorus goes as follows:
"Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia
Sou Regional do Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha"
Which translates to:
I am Zambiacongo, which came from Mestre Geni who is from Bahia
He learnt Regional (a form of Capoeira) from Mestre Bimba and Angola(another form of capoeira, which is as difficult as it is slow) from Mestre Canjiquinha
So, the entire song goes as..
"Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia,
Sou Regional de Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia,
Sou Regional de Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha
salve mestre geni que no ring tambem lutou
alem de jogar na rua e provar que eh lutador
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia,
Sou Regional de Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia
jogo em cima jogo em baixo e com muita alegria
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia,
Sou Regional de Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha
o grupo zambiacongo no brasil aqui nasceu
na australia ja chegou na espanha agora cresceu
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia,
Sou Regional de Bimba Angola de Canjiquinha
Sou Zambiacongo de Geni sou da Bahia
pois eu jogo capoeira dia e noite, noite e dia"
Axe Zambiacongo!
Axe Capoeira!
Next Capoeria class is on Tuesday, at Dance Studio 7. It’s the first room after the YIH bridge. As Yusof said, just follow the music!
See you’ll then!
Ooops, sorry for the super long entry!
Yes we have our very own videos
Very useful :)
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