Friday, September 17, 2010

Songs 16.09.10

Here's the song we learnt today, 'Berimbau Chamou Voce'. We learnt only the chorus and not yet the full song, because.. the capoeiraluanda website is down so I cannot search the complete lyrics ><

Ie ie ie
Berimbau chamou voce
Sim sim sim sim sim
Berimbau tocou assim

Ie ie ie
The berimbau is calling you
Yes yes yes yes yes
The berimbau is still playing *or, 'thus the berimbau is playing' *
And, here's the other song that we combined with it: (yeap we were technically learning two songs.. I'm cunning, I know.. ;p )

Berimbau tocou,

chamando a capoeira pra jogar,

dizendo que aquele que era bamba

hoje já não tem mais vez

todos tem o seu lugar

Corpo balancá ao ouvir o berimbau

na cadencia do jogo não quer mais parar

compreendendo a magia que em numa roda

lelele ele só quer vadiar

oh berimbau


Lyrics in the process of translation hahaha.. cuz I've translated it for myself but am still unsure on some parts.. I'll put it up as soon as I can find the translation on the net.

Great to hear everyone singing yesterday! And you know what, new members, these songs have never been sung in our roda before, so you're on par with the seniors here ^^ Show 'm what you've got yeah!




mvken said...

Sai sai Catarina

a nice song that's used in the roda here in Finland :)

Bom Garoto said...

post roda videos!