Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hey guys,

The prices for Batizado are finally out, please disseminate this to your respective schools:

Adults $200 with cord, $180 without cord
Students $120 with cord, $100 without cord

The date: 9 - 12 of June. Venue will be each of the various schools.

To secure your participation in the grading, every student will need to pay a non-refundable deposit of $50 by 15May 2011.

Spread the word to your schools!


Note: For the newer members who don't know what batizado is, click on the "batizado" link on the right side of the page.
All NUS capoeiristas are encouraged to go for this event... so long as you have been with us for 1 semester :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Exam Updates

Hey camaras,

Studying well?

In case your capoeira heart is beating for a roda, come down for our (unofficial) training every Thursday, 7pm at YIH to destress. We know you need it!

If you're still thirsting for some axe, we also have trainings on the following days:

Monday (HQ trainings)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Orchard Central

Time: 8pm
Venue: SMU

What's more, this Sunday (1st May 2011) we are having a Xango Monthly Roda::
Time: 3pm
Venue: SCAPE
Come join capoeiristas from the other branches and HQ to celebrate the end of the semester in a great big roda!

May the Axe be with you!

- Rosinha