Sunday, November 22, 2009

After the dust has settled...

Zambiacongo Capoeira Singapore Workshop, Batizado & Grading 2009 has come to a close and i gotta say my own thanks to the staff, photographers, organisers, current committee, participants, guests, Aliph & Aisha's family, redbull's wiiings team, Darwin-guys, Formado James and mestre Luizinho for giving us such a BOOMZ time.

It was a war-zone, man! And for peeps that had to miss this, we who were present on that day can attempt to re-enact but can never duplicate the experience of the encounter.

Let's welcome the following into the roda with their light-green belts:

-Terence Szetoh

You guys weren't called up with ur apilados so i suppose your nicks aren't written in stone yet. (Szetoh & Faizal, u guys happy rite?)

Let's congratulate the following for their Troca de Cordao A.K.A Level-Up:


Lastly, i just wanna mention and hope for a speedy recovery for the following guys:

-Berimbau Medio (i have much to learn in the ways of stringing a berimbau haha)
-Arame (too much Axe broke u T_T)

So guys, there'll be alot of facebook tagging that'll be going on for the next few days and you can see the action that went on the past 2 days. Also look forward to when our video gets uploaded.

To the guys that came down from down under, muito muito muito obrigado! It was a blast having you and its really unfortunate we couldn't spend more time together to show you guys stuff like Mambo Night and Changi Hospital + Aqua-Jins.

Gaviao, you've been immersing yourself heavy with Capoeira the past few days, so good on you. Have a safe trip and we'll see you once you get back.

For myself, time to come back to Singapore and realize there's things called examinations. After the batizado, i'll be needing a serious Cold Turkey treatment to get me back into the mood to study. Here's me wishing everone who has exams, or anything similar, all the best!

To everyone else,
Salve Zambiacongo! Salve Capoeira!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sing that Song!

Hi guys,

by popular demands for those who wanna learn this song :)
here's a really good video to teach the lyrics...

Anyone volunteers to sing this in roda? haha
