Friday, December 25, 2009
Portuguese Phrases
But Brazil is a big country, so you'll be understood anyway. :)
Até logo instead of Até lol.
Tenho que ir (to go) instead of Tenho que partir (to leave).
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Get my Sexy Back
After 2 weeks of comatose mugging, it sure was good to be able to workout those stiff pieces of myofibrils in our muscles eh!
Remember that foundation is really important and that core and form develops from strength and flexibility, which will be my emphasis for our sessions in December!
Meantime, December is a time for a break so do feel free to bring your family and friends to come down for classes to stretch loose. :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
After the dust has settled...
It was a war-zone, man! And for peeps that had to miss this, we who were present on that day can attempt to re-enact but can never duplicate the experience of the encounter.
Let's welcome the following into the roda with their light-green belts:
-Terence Szetoh
You guys weren't called up with ur apilados so i suppose your nicks aren't written in stone yet. (Szetoh & Faizal, u guys happy rite?)
Let's congratulate the following for their Troca de Cordao A.K.A Level-Up:
Lastly, i just wanna mention and hope for a speedy recovery for the following guys:
-Berimbau Medio (i have much to learn in the ways of stringing a berimbau haha)
-Arame (too much Axe broke u T_T)
So guys, there'll be alot of facebook tagging that'll be going on for the next few days and you can see the action that went on the past 2 days. Also look forward to when our video gets uploaded.
To the guys that came down from down under, muito muito muito obrigado! It was a blast having you and its really unfortunate we couldn't spend more time together to show you guys stuff like Mambo Night and Changi Hospital + Aqua-Jins.
Gaviao, you've been immersing yourself heavy with Capoeira the past few days, so good on you. Have a safe trip and we'll see you once you get back.
For myself, time to come back to Singapore and realize there's things called examinations. After the batizado, i'll be needing a serious Cold Turkey treatment to get me back into the mood to study. Here's me wishing everone who has exams, or anything similar, all the best!
To everyone else,
Salve Zambiacongo! Salve Capoeira!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sing that Song!
by popular demands for those who wanna learn this song :)
here's a really good video to teach the lyrics...
Anyone volunteers to sing this in roda? haha
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wikipedia has everything!
And guess who's invited to perform once again for this big-scale event :)
Some memories of the club from last year, can you spot anyone(s) familiar? ;p
And from a different perspective!
"As in the Roda, as in life!" or rather
"Life's a stage and we are but characters in a script!"
Saturday, October 17, 2009
What is a batizado?
Batizado's around the corner and most of us that have been doing Capoeira for a while are really anticipating and bringing up our game for this event. So let's use good ole wiki to re-intro the idea of Batizado for us:
A Batizado (literally baptism in Portuguese, and borrowed from the religious tradition) is normally an annual event for a Capoeira group in a region or country. The practice of Capoeira Batizados originates from Capoeira Regional, but has been extended to other styles.
Batizados are large events and are very important for the group organizing it. It is the point in the year where the new members will be baptized officially into the group and receive their first cords and where the other members depending on their progress will get a new one. A typical batizado will take several days and consist of workshops, the actual Batizado itself and a Troca das Cordas. Often many groups from more than one region will attend a Batizado for other groups. This allows for development of the game by contact with other players, teachers and styles.
In many schools, students are baptized by the floor -- that is, they play against higher level capoeiristas and are subsequently taken down by a rasteira. This is meant to signify a continual process of humility and improvement in the game.
To the newer Capoeiristas, I hope you'll be able to attend and be blown away when our Zambiacongo Gold Coast come down along with our Mestre... its gonna be quite an exchange and a great experience!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
What is a "Flash Mob"?
The first flash mob was created in Manhattan in May 2003, by Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harper's Magazine. The origins of the flash mobs were unknown until Wasik published an article about his creation in the March 2006 edition of Harper's. The first attempt was unsuccessful after the targeted retail store was tipped off about the plan for people to gather. Wasik avoided such problems during the second flash mob, which occurred on June 3, 2003 at Macy's department store, by sending participants to preliminary staging areas—in four prearranged Manhattan bars—where they received further instructions about the ultimate event and location just before the event began.
More than 100 people converged upon the ninth floor rug department of the store, gathering around an expensive rug. Anyone approached by a sales assistant was advised to say that the gatherers lived together in a warehouse on the outskirts of New York, that they were shopping for a "love rug", and that they made all their purchase decisions as a group.
Subsequently, 200 people flooded the lobby and mezzanine of the Hyatt hotel in synchronized applause for about 15 seconds, and a shoe boutique in SoHo was invaded by participants pretending to be tourists on a bus trip.
Wasik claimed that he created flash mobs as a social experiment designed to poke fun at hipsters and to highlight the cultural atmosphere of conformity and of wanting to be an insider or part of "the next big thing". The Vancouver Sun wrote, "It may have backfired on him... [Wasik] may instead have ended up giving conformity a vehicle that allowed it to appear nonconforming."
Flash mobs began as a form of performance art. While they started as an apolitical act, flash mobs may share superficial similarities to political demonstrations. Flash mobs can be seen as a specialized form of smart mob, which is a term and concept forwarded by author Howard Rheingold in his 2002 book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution.
Now, a flash mob from start to finish:
See you guys at Central Forum, 14 Oct, 1.30pm...
Anonymous ;)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Besouro, da capoeira nasce um heroi - New Capoeira Movie
"Besouro, da capoeira nasce um heroi"
"Beetle of the capoeira, a hero is born"
Quote from web site:
"After 3 months of filming in Chapada Diamantina and the Bahian Reconcavo, this film by director João Daniel Tikhomiroff about Besouro, the legendary hero of capoeira, is now in the post-production phase."
kEN - Sapo
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Familiar floor movements... Seen it somewhere?
Haha... My 1st post! Enjo~y
Oh yah, it's Capoeira...! Of course...
kEN -Sapo
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New portuguese words learnt!
congratulation for those that have been given apalidos by Jaguar. Those who have yet to receive one - haha it'll be coming sooner or later. So some new words we've learnt were:
Flor = Flower
Pink/Rose = Rosa
Frog = Sapo
Bat = Morcego
shark = tubarão
Teak = *Teca
gata mimosa = delicate cat
*don't think thats what i recall hearing yesterday...will follow up on that.
There is no E-Learning week for Capoeira! Cya guys next Monday!
Oh ya! I forgot one more word:
Sagat = Dude who kicks butts in Street Fighter 4...imba!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September 30th Class
So for this week, Szetoh has the honour of being the model for this sequence. (clap, clap, clap)
So going through the moves again we have
1. Hop back
2. Negativa with a slight hop to the front (no need to lift up your hand)
3. Pull back the leg , both feet still facing forward.
4. Compasso or Rabo de Arraia (remember to block face after the kick)
5. Giro
6. Queda de Rins (returning leg straight)
7. Pasada (keep your eye on your "versaria?")
8. Au L (You land on the same leg you kick off, the other leg kept straight)
9. Ends in a Esquiva Frontal.
So basically this week we added moves 7 to 9. Please "remembra" the moves, and try it out in Roda this coming Sunday. Time to put what you have learnt to good use.
Signing out,
As in Roda, as in Life.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
September 23rd, 2009
Please note that you must always keep your eyes on the opponent.
Feel free to ask and comment if you do not understand the sequence.
Monday, September 21, 2009
September 16th Class
The sequence basically goes like this.
1. Negativa to the side
2. Negativa to the other side
3. Parada (like the start of an Au)
4. Giro ( a spin stay low)
5. Parada again but switch leg.
6. Put your higher leg behind the lower one now
7. Queixada baixa (low)
8. End with a Role.
That's it for this post. Here are some bonus vids of Jaguar strutting his stuff.
(Warning not suitable for minors)
As in Roda, as in Life.
Moo(mia) Voon Ken
Friday, September 18, 2009
Capoeira and modelling??
well i guess it does make sense since we are bout expressions too...haha!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Song requests?
by popular demands here's the top 3 Capoeira Hits coming from Morcego's vocals at most times of the roda...Enjoy =)
#3 on the countdown is a simple song i recommend to train your singing and playing of the instruments. It can also be sung in English as popularised by Jaguar! :)
"Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo"
Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo
Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo
Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo
Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo
Mas hoje tem, amanha nao, Mas hoje tem, amanha nao
Oi sim, sim, sim, oi náo, náo, náo"
#2 a classic! Heard in any youtube videos with flips involved (and even in a car commercial!)
"Zoom zoom zoom"
Zoom zoom zoom Capoeira mata um
Zoom zoom zoom Capoeira mata um
Zoom zoom zoom Capoeira mata um
Zoom zoom zoom Capoeira mata um
Onde te maribom
E zoom zoom zoom
Onde te maribom
E zoom zoom zoom
O ah oi eh
Quero ver bata quero ver Cayi
O ah oi eh
Quero ver bata quero ver Cayi
#1 is that Axe pumping song that gets everyone playing regional despite the reminder to play slow...that's right! Its... "Wonderful Circle"
"Roda Maravilhosa"
E bem tevi voou voou, Bem tevi voou voou, Deixa voar
Lá lauê lauê lauê lauê
Lá lauê lauê lauê lauê O lalae laue
Lá lauê lauê lauê lauê
Que som o que arte é essa, Que nos trez energia
Que roda maravilhosa é essa, é o Capoeira
Em cada som, em cada toque, em cada ginga, tem um estilo de jogo
Em cada som, em cada toque, em cada ginga, tem um estilo de jogo
Lá lauê lauê
Lá lauê lauê lauê lauê
O lalae laue
Lá lauê lauê lauê lauê
So guys, i expect to hear more singing and Axe from you guys next roda ya! As in life, as in the roda!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9 September's Class
So today we learnt three sequences and they all deal with how to counter a meia lua saltar.
The 1st technique is the Tesoura, which we also practiced in the 2nd September class:
Notice how the entrada is in the same direction as the attacker.
The next technique is the meia lua baixa which is basically a compasso with the kicking leg sweeped low across the ground to trip the attacker. The entrada for this move is in the opposite direction from the attacker.
The last technique is the banda where you grab the attacker's kicking leg, lift it up and sweep his other leg so he falls to the ground.
It may be a little hard to visualize now especially without the videos, but we'll put them up after monday's class. (Videos posted)
For now, here's a bonus clip. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September 2nd Class
We learnt 2 sequences, one of which requires a move called "Bote" (pronounced something like botch). Basically you're wrapping your front leg around your back leg and staying as close to the ground as possible. Palms on the floor as always.
So the sequence goes like this , Role -> Bote -> Negativa (to the side).
This is good for moving around in the Roda to avoid incoming kicks or if you have a "brain freeze" moment, just default to it.
The next sequence is between 2 people, one attacking with kicks and the other basically countering the kicks.
Player 1: Melua de Frente , Martelo, Melua Compasso (2 hand , 1 hand , no hand your choice)
Player 2: Esquiva, Rasteira ( or just "checking"), Tesoura v2.0
here's our very own video to demonstrate
For the Tesoura, if you're having trouble, first entrada (enter) in the same direction of the compasso. (compasso coming from left to right , enter towards the right with left leg in front)
Then stretch your back leg (in this case the right leg) behind your opponent continued with a turn of the front leg (left leg).
Explanations maybe a bit confusing but please refer to the video for a better understanding of the move. We'll probably be going through it again on Monday's class so come if possible.
Understande? =P
As in Roda, as in Life.
Voon Ken (Mumia)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
26th August Class
We were taught 3 moves that day, we'll start with Rasteira or also called Banda
a tip for this move is to put more weight on the back leg so that you have more force when pulling your capoeira partner down.
Next we have Tesoura which is a take down move, can be used to counter the Rasteira and a lot of other moves such as meia lua compasso in this video.
The idea is to use your hips instead of solely relying on leg strength to put your partner down.
Last move is well...a movement called Giro which means spin ( not the one where you use to pay your fees, bills and stuff)
The one we learnt in class was similar to Aliph's move in this video at the 0.06 mark. We use it to move out of a kick during the class session.
Reminder that when doing this move as well as any other capoeira movements, your eyes
should stay lock on to your partner.
Well that's all for this little update, hope you guys keep practising and check out some of our older videos of Aliph and sequences to revise.
As in Roda, as in Life
Friday, August 21, 2009
Keep that Axe in the Ring!
Our senior Pek may (or may not) have mentioned some protocols "do-s & don't-s" when in the Roda (ring). Basically these protocols are there to keep the capoeiristas as away from harm as well as keeping the Axe inside the game.
Right, so that brings me to Axe... no not the tool used to cut down trees. "Axe" (pronounced Ah~Shey) could be described as being similar to "energy" or "chi" or "chakra" or "lifeforce". Its that rush you get from scoring a goal or performing on the stage. We welcome Axe and its always great to have in our game within the circle. Having and keeping the Axe high will ensure a enjoyable game of capoeira. So without further adieu...
- Keep the Roda looking like a ring. Close up the gap left behind by a player after having entered the ring. Axe "leaks" out from these gaps.
- Sing with gusto and confidence. It spurs the players inside the ring and it also allows you to improve your vocals.
- Get involved in the Roda. It's intimidating at first, but just like your first date or first day in school, it gets easier after each game.
- Be aware of you're surroundings in and out of the Roda. This is to prevent wild & straying kicks from hitting someone not involved in the game.
- Pay-de-berimbau: which means to kick-off your joga from the berimbau. Its a sign of respect/permission the player gets from the berimbau player (who is usually the most senior present)
- Make the Roda exciting. Cheer for a well-placed kick or an awesome backflip, it feeds the Axe in the roda!
- Make friends in and out of the roda. It isn't everyday that you can find a bunch of people sharing the same unique interest with you.
- Fold arms in the Roda.
- Expand the roda bigger and bigger.
- Engage in personal conversations. A stray kick from the players inside the roda may just hit you because of your lack of attention.
- Don't exit the roda with your back to the opponent. As long as you are within the roda, you are within the game.
- Compra (buy) into the game without first capturing the attention of the capoeiristas that are already playing. Once again a stray kick may just hit you because the players weren't aware of you.
- Be shy to play. "Capoeira - where we play to learn & learn to play"
Friday, August 14, 2009
A Great First Welcome Tea!
I'll keep it short and sweet =) The Welcome Tea was fun, exciting, exhausting and welcoming. Summing it up: it was great! Let's hope we'll be feeling more love & more Axe next Welcome Tea when there's gonna be even more students interested to learn the ways of Capoeira!
"Callo Boca Me nino
Me nino Coro
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We want YOU to come down this coming Wednesday (12th August 2009), 7pm at MPSH 4 for the Welcome Tea. For the new students this will be a great time to learn and be acquainted with the Capoeira movements, music, history and culture. And for the older students this will be a good time to loosen those joints and start stretching those muscles again.
So we hope to see all of you there this wednesday, refreshments will be provided. Just come dressed in workout attire (tshirt, tanktop, shorts etc...) and don't be afraid to sweat it out! Bring your friends too!
Ian Leong
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
This post is for current NUS capoeiristas and also NUS students who are keen in joining this coming semester.
Right now training dates are still unconfirmed, we are pestering and waiting on the Sports Club to give us a confirmation. Once that is done, we will inform all of you. In addtion, our WELCOME TEA will be held within the first 2 weeks of the semester to welcome everyone. So everybody please sit tight.
While we wait here is just a very quick brief about us:
The NUS Capoeira sub-club is a sub-branch of Capoeira Zambiacongo Singapore that serves the NUS student body. Capoeira Zambiacongo Singapore is the Singapore branch of Capoeira Zambiacongo which is based in Australia with our master, Mestre Luizinho Barravento and his father Mestre Geni who runs the group back in Brazil.
Our Singapore branch HQ is located in FIGHT-G in Clarke Quay which is a fighting gym that teaches other classes such as mixed-martial arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Our current instructor, Professor Jaguar, is from Brazil and is also a certified instructor and practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He teaches in Fight-G, NUS and also our Capoeira Zambiacongo counterpart in SMU.
There will be various elements in Capoeira that makes it unique, healthy and extremely fun. Is is incredibly dynamic and a great cardio element. Capoeira will train and improve your flexibility, speed, reaction, endurance and strength as well. But do not worry if you have never had any martial arts background or if you feel you are not 'fit' enough; because we will start from the basics which build the foundation, and then we will teach more advanced movements.
But be prepared to sweat it out and the most important thing for everyone in class is to TRY. Throw your fears and inhibitions out of the window and come into class to do everything to the best of your ability.
One more thing that makes Capoeira unique is that not only you learn the moves but you also learn about Brazilian culture, language, history and music. In class we always train with Capoeira music and everyone will learn to sing the songs in Portuguese and learn how to play the instruments. It is a total cultural immersion!
So we hope to see you at our Welcome Tea and for returning students, we hope that you practised a 'little' bit during your holidays!
PS: Attire for new students is any sporting attire (ie: tshirt/tank top and shorts)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Combined Martial Arts Display
once again we've been invited to take part in a play combining the 9 other martial art-form. The objective is to amplify the individual art-form's philosophy and application via choreography and displays to spectators who would otherwise lack awareness of the various art.
Here's a flashback of what went on for last year's display.

No doubt that this year won't be any short of the last so spread the word guys! Capoeira is gonna show how it goes head to head with the other martial arts!
More info:
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Reach for the skies!!
I've thought of a new and painful torture for most of us (especially for us guys) to improve our flexibility, and it's called stretching. Here's a few pointers how we can conduct ourselves us we execute the punishment of attempted leg-splits and toe-touching in class or the privacy of our homes.
1. Stretch daily. Make it consistent: be it just waking from bed or sitting in front of the TV - there's always an opportunity to stretch; the question is, "Do i want to?"
2. Vary the types of stretches and maintain the position at least 30 secs. Let's build flexibility throughout the entire body.
3. Maintain a straight back for a deeper stretch. Do not round your back or hunch. Stretch safely: do not snap to reach further.
4. Breathe as you hold the stretching position. Control the breathing: inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Your muscles need the oxygen to endure the stress.
5. A ballet barre helps. It helps you stretch and also allows you to figure out your weight and balance distribution.
6. Patience and discipline. Rome wasn't built in a day and you can't do splits just simply after a week or a month of stretching unless your jean-claude van demme tied to a coconut tree.
Hope you guys can think up of a 'stretch schedule' and keep to it. And i hope you guys anticipate the next stretch-filled activities in class. :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"Joy of Capoeira" - Mestre Cajiquinha
In capoeira I am the joy"
~Mestre Cajiquinha
I came across an e-book titled "Joy of Capoeira" which records an interview with the legendary Mestre Cajiquinha who popularised Capoeira Angola. I'm just halfway into reading it but i just thought i'd share a few paragraphs with you guys to ponder over:
Capoeira is fight, sport, a plaything…
For Canjiquinha, capoeira is preferably playfulness. Even better if there is an audience
watching. In the roda, doing ginga in front of his partner, he often plays a joke (giving the
volta ao mundo around himself). The opponent/friend follows the rules of this
playfulness to the letter. Any initiation of an attack will be neutralized by a backwards
chapa. The game is planned – inherited from the double-dealings and simulated combats
in the rings of free-fighting, vale-tudo, and Greco-roman fighting that the mestre
practiced in the 1950s and 60s.
A new joke. He stops, lifts his eyes. The audience applauds. Canjiquinha is the king.
Canjiquinha is a happy boy. (I only want honor when I’m alive because after I’m dead it
doesn’t interest me). He generously repays the applause by unrolling his spool of
varieties: capoeira, puxada de rede, maculelê, samba duro, samango, bolero, muzenza,
self-defense, jokes, Vicente Celestino. Doing things that God would doubt that he could
do. More applause, more things: unforgettable moments to last one’s whole life.
But, every volta ao mundo around oneself has its risks. The opponent is not always
cooperative. The result: a movement given just for flourish is curbed by a very well
performed arm-lock, as a punishment – a warning that capoeira is a serious thing. The
rule of playfulness was broken. Canjiquinha protests and makes a huge fuss. He defends
himself by saying that fight capoeira is for enemies and that, in the roda, it’s for playing
with one’s friends and companions.
IN THE OLD DAYS – Capoeira was more beautiful, it was danced.
TODAY – It is more violent. It is commercial.
EXPLANATION – There was no karate, there was no judo.
COMMENTARY – I was a contra-mestre of Pastinha, in 1950. That Japanese guy came
to take pictures. We would stand still. He was there making marks, marking the positions.
Later, karate appeared here in Bahia. Then, capoeira’s popularity decreased, decreased.
Then, the youngest capoeiristas sought to make violence. So that capoeira could be
shown to be more violent than karate. Capoeira stayed in this aggression. Because of this,
it grew too much. Because if it had stayed that beautiful to-and-fro game, then karate
would have won out. You see that five years ago all anyone talked about was karate.
But today, all everyone talks about is capoeira.
Do you think this change was necessary?
Is violence necessary in capoeira?
“No. Here’s the thing: If you’re inside the academy, training with your colleague, there is
no violence. You can even train fast. Now, if you’re playing in the street, and the guy
resorts to violence, then you have to resort to violence as well. An academy teaches you
to play capoeira, it doesn’t teach you to fight. Now, in the street you have to resort to
what you know if the person disrespects you. Sometimes, you’re alone… you have to
resort to what you know, right?"
I'll keep on reading and share with you any other pearls of wisdom i can find :) Hopefully i can pick your brains as well as the previous resident Capoeirista Philosopher.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Dressed to Kill
It's been a while but just thought i'd touch on something perhaps the ladies would be more adept at... looking good. Oh and i don't mean looking good in the Roda with grace and poise in the moves (although that is very important too); I would like to discuss on the dress code of a capoeirista - how it reflects upon his game and style.
Firstly, i need to talk about the hair! Before i ever started finding out more about Capoeira, i've always thought that Dreadlocks are a MUST. This assumption came from attempting to master Eddy's 18-String Combo in the game TEKKEN. Well... dreads are not really a must-have for a capoeirista, but it really adds quite abit of Malicia into your game. Think about it: I would feel weak in the knees if i was joga de Capoeira with PREDATOR.

However, my true objective is to share with everyone the style of an angoleiro, a player of the angola style. Such a person is described to be a Malandro - a guy that is at the same time smart, bohemian and street wise. I am not saying that the other styles are not capable of Malandro, however, angoleiro capoeiristas of the past dressed the part to reflect Street-Smarts and yet guile.
So why don't we try this out, beginner learners dressing up and standing out whereas the more experienced leaners can dress down, not that we're trying to impose Malicia upon each other but just as a practise to dress and be a chameleon in the roda.
See you guys next Monday in NUS Dance Studio!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Updates & Stuffs
Hello everyone, Ian here.
First off, good luck to those still studying for your exams. Final stretch!
This post is just to settle some admin stuff. As most of you would know that this summer period there would be no NUS training, but instead you'd have to head down to FIGHT-G to train with our new (yay) capoeira instructor.
I would really like to meet up with pretty much everyone to makan, relax and also to discuss a bit about the next semester. This would encompass the Freshman Inauguration Ceremony (maybe), Matric Fair & the general conduct of our classes (I was informed that a change of training days is required).
So PLEASE reply to either this post or the email that directed you to this post as to when you are free.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 2nd's Class
Moves we learnt today:
1) Au Chibata (some call it Meia lua Solta)
2) Giro (another version)
Chibata means whip... so i guess Au Chibata means "Whipping Au" ?
For starters, we go into a cadera position. Stretch our right hand over to the left side or vice versa. If we are going to the left, the right leg should be bent while left leg is kept straight. End it with a nice hop into an esquiva position.
Anyway here's a video of a tutorial about it (although more complex and starts from esquiva)
and one more from our very own Alif :)
Anything else? Feel free to comment (or else I'll hear crickets)
Signing out
As in Roda, as in Life
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
could any of you guys make tues the 14th free? Ratna our senior from headquarters are asking if we could do a performance for the ITE fair.(he teaches at ITE). It wouldn't be a whole day thing, but just a short performance. He's trying to introduce capoeira into the ITE community as a CCA.
post a comment on this post if you can. please do take part if you could, cause if you haven't realise it yet, performing like street basking is a tradition in capoeira. and it help introduce it to more people. doesn't matter if you think you're not good enough, cause thats rubbish talk...if you don't feel comfortable playing for a audience yet, you could help by being part of the bataria or by singing. the more capoeiristas we have around playing, clapping and singing, the better the axe; the better the axe, the better the impression of capoeira we leave for the audience. get the point??=]
hope as many of you can make it as possible.
Searching for yourself?
The advise for us last thursday was "go youtube "Zambiacongo" and observe". So i did just that :)
So many have come and gone through the doors of a capoeira school and left thinking that they have "experienced" Capoeira. ...Ok, so you can ginga and throw some fancy kicks; Wow - you can even do the complex acrobatics. But can you really claim to being a "capoeirista" when you haven't found that spot for yourself in the roda?
As we heard last Thursday, every grupo has its own style. And with that style comes a certain direction that we would want to hone our bodies to meeting. We are studying under Zambiacongo, whose style stems from grace and feints:
"Now i understand why we're going through those particular feint sequences on Thursdays!"
However remember that this is just a general guideline to which you can follow. Must i be a "feint-addict" just because i am from Zambiacongo or a an awesome acrobatic because i hail from Cordao de Ouro Capoeira?
"In times of adversity, one's true nature comes out". Not that im linking the being in a roda and getting surrounded by a boisterous presence of Axe an adversity, but it is in that environment that hopefully you can find for yourself a certain form which you can best relate your personality with. As a dear friend once told me,
"There's always a place for you in capoeira: you can't do the moves? you can sing; You can't sing? Go play the instrumets; You can't play the instruments? Clap your hands; You can't clap? Go rope in friends who can; No Friends!? Capoeira will be your friend."
Many a times i have entered the roda with a "game plan" in mind so as not to appear 'blur' of un-glam in front of my friends. But then again, my most enjoyable games happens when i compra into the roda with nothing but the rythm of the bateria spurring me on. Hah whatever happened to "music can soothe the savage beast?" Apparently the "beast" hasn't heard the beat of the atabaque yet :p
The message im hoping to get across meu camaradas is: "try". You never know till you try.
Quoting Cantor who quoted Mestre Luinzho:
"Try and you may fail; Don't try and you'll never succeed."
Finally, let's see if you can spot anyone familiar here:
ps: haha could be our publicity vid since it gives a good intro for Capoeira. Yes, that's a girl at 0:55 :)
meu camaradas
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 26th Class
Firstly, it is executed from your ginga position, there's no need for an entrada.
Next, turn around and look under your armpits.
Make sure your kicking leg is as straight as you can make it to should feel a great sensational stretchy feeling.
One hand is planted on the floor instead of two (for compasso).
While kicking , as usual kicking leg straight while for the other leg, keep it bent, no need to straighten as that would result in a compasso.
This kick is most effective when done fast (other martial arts like Taekwondo must be thinking duh...) and is supposed to target the lower body. Here's a video
That's all for this short recap...
As in Roda, as in life
Thursday, March 12, 2009
12 March's Class
Happy Birthday to Youcef (I thought it was Eusoff XD) and Wei Lin. Here's my Bencao to you :)
Ok for the post proper, we learnt variations of the martelo today.
More specifically, Martelo-do-Chão which means Martelo from the floor.
The first one starts with an esquiva and uses 2 hands to support the kick.
It goes something like this but from an esquiva position.
another take
The second variation, the one more popularly used in a roda starts from an esquiva frontal.
If your right leg is forward, stretch your left arm diagonally forwards and plant it on the floor and vice versa.
Give a good hop from your back leg and kick a martelo using the front leg with your planted hand working as support. Note that the weight should be on your planted hand.
Land back in a cebra position then back to ginga.
To my dismay a search on youtube for Martelo-do-Chão returned me JJ Lin's Cao Cao music videos.....
well the closest I got to was this
The last one is a sequence of moves whereby instead of kicking the martelo do chao, we fake it and land the leg behind the other person's leg. Pull back your leg like 0:06 in this awesome video
but no need to put the hands on the floor.
Ok so that's all for this week's edition of Last Thursday's Class.
As in the roda, as in life,
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dancing in Chains
The master artist dances in chains. - GoetheThat would have been a sententious quote to christen this post. Some of you would have been in awe, while others would be wondering, yi kong si mi l@n...? My professor--a man of great learning--unfortunately misquoted it. It doesn't exist. Which doesn't say much for Ph.D's, does it?
But anyway, one day when you are old and tired, when your tendons are calcified and your heart weak, you too will be quoting this to spritely capoeiristas. I can only speak from experience, but I feel the most mature capoeiristas have, for lack of a better word, 'tact'.
It's like a conversation: when we're young, we use simple declarative statements. 'This is a ball,' 'I feel sad,' and so on. As we mature, we learn subtler nuances in our language, and learn how to have entire conversations without saying anything at all! Questions, answers, statements can mean either one thing or the other, or perhaps both simultaneously, or even nothing at all. It all works because a lot of what we say is left unsaid, in body gesture, tonality, choice of words and their connotations, sentence structure and so forth.
Say someone starts with a 'How are...' and instead of the expected 'you', ends with a 'things with your ex?' What seemed like a friendly salutation suddenly looms with the adumbration of Don Juan over here muscling in on territory you haven't quite gotten over.
Reeling back in to capoeira, when I see what I feel to be a mature game, I see players suggesting attacks and possible (but non-commital) defences to said suggested (but never carried out) attacks. Almost everything has to be second-guessed. A lift of the leg could be a defence, an attack, a step, or just something needing to be scratched. Just vague gestures and wispy ambivalances dissolving into the air.
An analogy can only get one so far, and when it starts to break down, it's time to discard it. So we'll do so here, because I don't think I can say anything else about 'tact'.
So what has this got to so with the (mis)quote? Is capoeira an art? Other martial arts don't mention any stinkin' chains!
Well, I'd say that this is just how capoeira is. And yes, it is a medium through which one expresses oneself. Or rather, one is the medium through which Capoeira expresses itself. Whatever.
Bruce Lee (who flunked out of Philosophy, if I'm not mistaken) once said,
"Ultimately, martial art means honestly expressing yourself. It is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky so I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself, and to express myself honestly enough; that, my friend, is very hard to do."So don't get me wrong, I'm not dumping on the deficits of other martial arts. I'm just saying that in capoeira, one honestly doesn't know what one is going to say until one says it.
Amendment: Bruce Lee actually flunked out of Drama, while taking some courses in Philosophy. Hmm...
Things You've Always Wanted to Shout in the Roda
Beautiful! (literally, 'Beauty!')
O meu Deus!
Oh my God!
Compra o jogo! (or just 'Compra!')
Buy the game!
Canta, pôrras!
Sing, ₣u₵₭ers! (literally, 'Sing, sperms!' [though I believe the proper plural of 'sperm' is spermatazoa. Is that right, Life Science majors?])
Posso comprar?
May I play?
Jogue mais devagar, por favor. (jo-gee-yu mah-ice jee-va-gar, por favor)
Play slower, please.
Nós podemos jogar mais rápido, se você prefere (nos poh-day-mos jogar mah-ice ha-pee-do, say vo-say pre-fur-ray)
We can play faster, if you prefer.
Apenas! (ah-peh-nas!)
Close! Almost!
Escute o berimbau, pôrra! (Es-KU-chee o berimbau, por-ha!)
Listen to the berimbau, ₣u₵₭er!
Calma! Cabeça frio! (Kah-beh-sa free-yo!)
Be calm! Be cool! (literally, 'a cold head')
Atrás de você! (or just 'Atrás!')
Behind you! (right before you martelo your opponent in the backside)
Olhe! (O-le-yeh!)
Look! (same tactic as above)
Não é me! (now air me!)
It wasn't me! (banging on the bathroom floor)
O que pôrra é essa? (oh-kay por-ha air es-sa?)
What the ₣u₵₭ is this? (literally, 'What sperm is this?')
Não se preocupado, sou muito gentil. (now say preocu-pah-doh, so muito gen-chil)
Don't be worried, I'm very gentle. (at the foot of the berimbau, just before you Au in and wipe the floor with his ass)
Coloque-lo! (Koh-loh-kay-lo!)
Put it in! (as in, inside his defences, though I'm sure resourceful people like you can find other situations in which it would be apropos)
Você é muito quente (kayn-chee) quando joga. Gostoso.
You are very hot when you play. Me like.
Anything else you wanted to say but didn't know how?
Some of you may feel that the last few lines may be unwarranted for this post. But come on, you know you've wanted to say them!
Mais Uma Volta by Joaninha
check out this excellent read. Mais Uma Volta, Joaniha
have u all heard of CCLS(ie Capoeira Coloured Lense Syndrome) hahahaha!!!! if not GO AND READ IT NOW!!!!!! well worth it. Applauses to Joaninha of
Sunday, March 8, 2009
"Pimp my Notice Board/ Tzng my wall"
Our Hassan has brought up an issue that has been "gathering dust" since last Sem haha... are we aware that we own a notice board just outside MPSH 1? It's next to Nan Wa Pai's notice board.
Therefore, seeing how open house is just around the corner, and that we want passer-bys to be aware that capoeira is still alive and kicking in NUS, any ideas for how we can do up our board?
Haha we've been through quite a bit with each other already - Chingay, OK-TO-Live, Outdoor Roda, Batizado; so i believe we can do much more justice to our wall than just "" :)
axe meu camaradas
Sunday, February 22, 2009
when do u realised u're hooked on capoeira...
haha!!! anyway, admist all the '25 thing you probably don't know about me" thingy that has been flying around facebook, and of course, me finally having some time on hand,
i'm gonna do a 25 thing list entitled:
"u noe u're hooked on capoeira when....."
1. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u can't help but finish the Mazda commercial with "capoeira mata um".
2. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when your hand starts playing the air berimbau/pandeiro/atabaque without u noeing...
3. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when in times of silence u find yourself chanting "chichi tong tengteng, chichi tong tengteng"
4. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when your apelido feels more real then your real name.
5. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when footwears starts to feel uncomfortable and going barefooted everywhere seems more then natural
5. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u wear your abadas to sleep and think that they're the most comfortable clothing on earth.
7. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u wear your colour abadas in public and think that people staring at u are weird.
8. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when white, yellow, green and blue suddenly becomes your favour colour combi.
9. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u have frequent dreams of jogoing in the roda which ends up with u being rasteira-ed or vingativa-ed and wake up, having fallen off the bed.
10. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u start pronouncing all your "r"s with "hooorr" and your "d"s with "jeee"
11. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when getting up from the floor always ends up in a negativa or role.
12. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u trip and fall into a au followed by a negativa and role
13. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u start to swear in portuguese
14. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when avoid everything by going to a esquiva or cocorinha.
15. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when your ring tones capoeira music, your alarm tones capoeira music, your sms alert is capoeira music and if u could, your doorbell will ring 'Parana e...."
16. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when surfing the net alway mean u're watching, searching, listening or reading bout capoeira.
17. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when all your hand shakes ended with a slide, and knuckle punch, and hand over you heart.
18. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u start fitting the 3 berimbau tones to Rihana's Umbrella while listeing to the radio.
19. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u have the urge to do a au or bananeira everytime both your palms are on the floor.
20. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when relax time means sweating buckets lot with a fellow capoeirista in a roda.
21. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when every circular marking starts looking like a roda.
22. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when your start replacing walking with ginga-ing
23. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when the chair becomes your best bud to ginga to at home
24. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when everything bralizilian is good
25. u noe u're hooked on capoeira when u can forget bout sitting on a toilet bowl, and would rather 'parallela' over the toilet hole effortlessly....hahah!!!
what else??
Friday, February 20, 2009
Last Thursday's Class
I have failed you all!! I forgot to bring my camera, and so did the rest of the we're back to just reading text and learning moves from text. Today we went through 3 sequences.
The first sequence:
A- Melua De Frente
B - Queda quatro, Sharpa
A- Drop into Exquxiada, round about
B - Negativa Role
The 2nd Sequence
A - Melua Compasso
B - Esquiva frontal, Melua Compasso
A - Exquxiada, Role
B - Role
THe 3rd Sequence....Hmmmm i'm not too sure if its this one
A - Armada
B - Entrada, trying to vengativa
A - Drop into exquxiada and take down B at the knees
B - Escape with either a giro or a martelo rotado.
Hmmm I tink this is what we covered mostly Anyways, announcements!
Next tuesday we are going to SMU at 730 for a Group roda, I need to know who will be going down. Comment on this post or email me.
We are organizing Samba classes and I need to know who is interested, its $6 per class and there are only 2 classes. Please either comment on this post or email me at
Next Saturday SMU will be having a pageant cum performance showcase. We will be performing. For the beginners, you all will clap and sing songs to help, for the not so beginners, you may perform if you like or help with instruments, for the seniors...go down and boogie haha. Likewise, comment or email me.
Next thursday! We are having a club outing. Please poll and tell us what you prefer!
Ok thats all!
Love love
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Was in the flash of the moon...
Finally here's the much awaited lyrics for that axe-pumped song! Thx "Cantor" for spreading Da Luv!!
"Foi no clarao da lua"
Foi no clarao da lua
que eu vi acontecer
o num vale-tudo com jiu-jitsu
o capoeira vencer, mas foi
Foi no clarao da lua
que eu vi acontecer
o num vale-tudo com jiu-jitsu
o capoeira vencer
Deu armada, deu rasteira
meia lua e a ponteira
Logo no primeiro round
venceu o capoeira
Em baixo do ningue
o mestre Genin vibrava
tocanda seu berimbau
capoeira cantava, mas foi
In case anyone went ahead and found out the lyrics out in the internet, you'll spot a slight difference in the lyrics. Different schools tend to adjust slightly the lyrics to reflect their school and beliefs. So don't be surprised when you're looking through certain websites and you go "Hey, the lyrics are wrong!" No such thing :)
As in life, as in the roda... one capoeira
Axe meu camaradas
Friday, February 13, 2009
BYKI Portuguese Lists
If you can't see the whole frame:
right-mouse click on it--> This Frame-->Open Frame in New Tab
This should work for Mozilla Firefox; there should be something similar for Internet Explorer.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday's Class on Joshua's Bday!
Good news!! ...Our instructor, Professor Jaguar, will be coming together with our Mestre, Mestre Luizinho Barrevento, in April!! Yay!!
Bad news ): I forgot to film today's entrada sequence..My camera's battery was down and the back up camera was too tied up to come up.. I'm really sorry!!! SOOOO I'm gonna write the sequence in words and the rest of the blog will be geared to helping you with your basics and polishing it up.
For the entrada, You step from a ginga to a parrella position, entrada, then swivel and use your back leg to step into your opponent's space. Points to note: Always maintain eye contact; When you swivel, make sure there is as little time where you don't see your opponent as possible. It's best if you can keep your back low so that your vision is clearer like the guy in this video as he does a giro. Notice his eye and head movements.
Next up, lets go back to basics on the Queda de Rins ( Kidney fall ). For the newcomers who were struggling with the positioning of the elbow, this video explains it quite clearly. The rule of thumb is that you have to support your body weight on your elbow together with your head and your other hand. It's kinda like a See Saw where your elbow acts as the pivot and you have to bring more of your weight to your arms and head to bring your legs up.
Ok, now lets go to your Au. Alot of us still have problems with it. I'm no exception and I have lots to improve on. This video will take you through on how to execute a nice Au (:
Monday, February 9, 2009
Capoeira beyond the moves.
I think most of us who have played enough Capoeira know that Capoeira is more than just the moves and the physical aspect. There is also the musical aspect to list another. But Capoeira is much more than what you can see, and what you can hear. It is very much what you can feel.
Capoeira requires personal feel, intuition, foresight, and also your own personality, more than some other martial arts, I feel. It is not just about landing your kick into the intended target. A myriad of other things goes into that single queixada.
First you have the lead-up. You have to execute some pre-requisite moves before the actual kick. You watch your opponent, looking for the chance to execute the queixada so that it is most effective. You decide that this is the prime chance for it and you start to execute it. You twist your body enough so that your queixada becomes potent. And that is not the end. Your mind is constantly calculating what would be the next best option after the kick is executed. Even while the kick is in progress, you eyes are looking for the little nuances in your opponent that betray him and tell you what he is going to do to you next.
I digress a little. Many of us have this habit of throwing our kicks. Yes, it does make your kick a little faster, but that is beside the point. While a game of Capoeira requires speed in some circumstances, placement of your kicks matter more. You can kick at the speed of light but yet never hit your opponent. You can kick at a turtle's speed and still get your opponent, that exemplifies skill and control. I once read something in an article, something which I kind of "live by" whenever I play Capoeira. It basically says that in Capoeira, you do not need to make contact to "score a point". There is no need for one to complete the kick i.e. make contact, because when you place your kick correctly, at where your intended target is, your opponent already knows that you got him. You martelo and stop your kick right beside his cheek. Why bother making contact, you have already won.
That brings me to my next digression. Capoeira is not about active blocking. I do not believe I did any good if I happen to block a kick with my hands. I esquiva. What is unique about Capoeira defences is that they are offensive defences - an esquiva allows you to escape plus leads you and places you in a position for an offence straight away. Placement, placement. Why do you esquiva when you can just block? Capoeira is a martial art form. Read, "art form". Capoeira is flowing. That is why your basic move in Capoeira, the ginga, is not a static stance, it is what its name suggests, a move! So in Capoeira, our defence is also an art form in its own right. There are many ways to esquiva from a particular kick, but to choose the one which best allows you escape, yet continue to engage the opponent, that, is an art form.
Capoeira also does not rely solely on physical strength; as what I said above, it's not about making contact and not about K.O.-ing the opponent. It's about exposing the flaws and limitations of your opponent and capitalising on that little window of opportunity when you see it. And in doing so, you discover your own potential too. You may not be able to kick high or have a huge repertoire of kicks, but you make do with what you can and you can still prevail. When I was with my old school, we had to master a few moves before we are allowed to enter the roda. I believe that for any beginner, you must at least master (and note I said master, not just know) the ginga, one kick, and one esquiva, before you are able to engage any opponent in the roda. The other things you need: confidence, and skill in placement, cannot be learnt outside the roda, only when you are playing inside one.
I digress again about confidence. As much as you are afraid of that opponent who has more experience than you, he has equal reason to be afraid of you too. If he kicks you, you esquiva, if you land your kick in the correct place, you will force him to esquiva too! That said, do not go into a kicking frenzy thinking that as long as you are kicking, he will stay away from you. First, you will get tired. Second, if he is good, he can still get you. Third, art form! Some of you like to extend your leg from every imaginable position, hoping to rasteira or kick your opponent. What's worse, you are looking at the opposite direction when you are doing that. You are just showing that you are not in control of things, just wishing you will get the person, like trying to strike it big in lottery. There is no art in lottery, just chance. What I am trying to say is, I'd rather bring into the roda my ginga, one kick and one esquiva, which I mastered, and still be able to engage my opponent and give him a good fight, then leave the game to chance. Your opponent might have a whole slew of kicks up his sleeves that he unleashes upon you. But all you need is your simple ginga, the perfect lead-up to your queixada, and place your kick where he has nothing else to say but concede defeat.
I cannot remember how many digressions I got into. Capoeira beyond the moves. Basically, what I wanted to say is that it is easy to define Capoeira as every Tuesdays and Thursdays, learning some new moves and then having a roda. But put some thought into what you are doing. Capoeira is the delicate blending of the speed and shrewdness of the fight, the grace and agility of the dance and the rhythmic guidance of the music. If any of these elements were isolated, the heart of Capoeira is lost.
Costeleta/ Joshua
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thursday 5th Feb!!
We learnt a few other Axe-pumping Songs & i'm sure we can't wait to sing it in the next roda! However, if we desire the roda maravilhosa (marvelous roda), it must not only be filled with beautiful songs and energetic singing, but also with correct movements!! And so let's review what we learnt previous class...
The basic sequence is to get down to an esquiva frontao, move back into your negativa, switch leg & supporting hand, sweep your legs via ole to return to the Cadeira position and finally end off with an Au. Remember also to begin with a few ginga steps before executing this move. Ginga, ginga, ginga...
Now for the more challenging sequence: We start off by faking a kick with quexada feinte, followed by getting down into negativa aborta, recover and get down into esquiva frontau. From your frontau, while ensuring eye-contact with the other player, turn back into negativa with your back towards the opponent (i will find out the proper name for this move :P). Lastly, switch hands to ole & re-face your opponent and recover into cadeira position with both hands crossed in front of you for defence. Pretty confusing if your just reading without an image in mind, so good thing we've a video!!!
Meantime, don't forget to practise what we've learnt in the roda. Cya guys next class!
Axe meu camaradas
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
POST-Chingay Samba Night
*posted as a reminder of things-you-mis-if-you-don't-join-us!!! haha!! as ordered by Bambu
MONEY Matters $$$
This is a reminder that it is time to pay up for the training fees! Yes, the loanshark is here!
The price is SGD $60.00 for the semester. Kindly pay up this thursday, 5th of Feb because I am going to have DnD on next thursday, 12th of Feb. And yea, the deadline is by next week. So please do remember to bring your $$! =)
If you don't know who the treasurer is, just bug the other members, they'll point you to me one way or another. =)
See you on thursday and have your money ready!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Last Thursdays Class, 29th Jan
Thursday’s Capoeira was just what one needed to shed off those extra pounds gained over the weekend.
This is for those who joined last semester (most of us don’t quite like being called seniors cos its just way too formal, right guys?). We learnt two knew sequences today! And courtesy of Bambu, we have a video of Macaquinho (Aliph) demonstrating it.
The two sequences are spliced together.
The first sequence ends at about 00:10 seconds. Its a new way to buy a game and enter the Roda. Imagine, Macaquinho’s doing the ginga outside the Roda, with his back facing the Berimbau. He then enter the Roda and with an open-arm Entrada, facing the guy he’s going to play with and buys the game. He then retracts back into a parallel, then Esquiva frontau, rolls around (with the feet and hands firmly placed on the ground) to face the Berimbau. From here, it’s another Esquiva Frontau/Baxia, following which is a Pasada. You end this sequence with a Macoco (preferably) or an Au.
The second sequence the second sequence, we perform this second move called the Perafuso. This sequence starts from about 10 seconds.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Another Look at our Instruments
Are you bored of learning the same rhythms again and again? You think your instrument skills are wearing out soon? Check out these guys:
He is a japanese student studying Chinese and Tourist Management in Shanghai and is part of the Madinga Group there. He is currently touring South East Asia to learn its history as well as to experience it (:
Berimbau Blues
This is some crazy shit. But! With practice, you guys can play like him too!
Well, hope you guys had fun watching!
Love Love
Redang Trip!

Hey guys!
Well for Redang, we will be taking a VIP coach with lots of leg room. We will have a hell alot of time to have fun there! Let me introduce to you the Laguna Redang Resort that we will be staying at. Firstly, it is just beside the sea...literally. The view is beautiful, we will be staying in Quad Sharing rooms.

We will be eating a sumptuous spread of asian delicacies as well as western meals served by chefs.

We will be able to snorkel in crystal clear blue waters where some people have sighted sea turtles and Groupers the size of an attabaque.

For those who dive, for an additional cost, we can rent diving equipment and dive at the many dive spots too!

There are massage services, Banana Boat fun, Fishing trips and much more fun! Just visit this website
Laguna Redang Resort
Details of the trip:
Date: 28 - 31st May 2009
Cost: $350 per pax ( It will be lower if we can get more people, about 18 people or more )
Transport: Paid for , by coach
If you are interested talk to TK ( Bambu ) or Leslie. You can sms me or email me if you are interested (: